
Sky-High Green Ticket Reproduced, Tungsten Trioxide Denitration Catalyst Boosts Air Purification

June 1st in the morning, Shanghai Environmental Protection Bureau said it would write a ten million Yuan of green ticket to a company; and, it was revealed that Shanghai is revising the new environmental regulations, proposed individual fines from 200,000 Yuan increased to 1 million. This may be another 10 million Yuan level green ticket since last year after the Qinhuangdao City Environmental Protection Bureau of the States (Qinhuangdao) Co., Ltd. Sewage Treatment out of nearly 13 million of ticket.
thermal power plant denitration catalyst
Some netizens commented: "Well done, if they had known today, why didn’t it take this ten million to invest in SCR denitration and desulfurization project which can also contribute to improve our living environment." Denitration catalyst is the core of SCR technology, the current widespread used is based on tungsten trioxide (or molybdenum trioxide) and vanadium pentoxide as the main active material, the titanium oxide as a carrier, and loading of other related species. Tungsten trioxide can improve the anti-sulfidation of the catalyst, and to enhance the anti-weld ability of the carrier. By the way, the nano-tungsten trioxide will exhibit better performance with its larger surface area. 

It is reported that, more than 20 units of the plants have been completed desulfurization and denitrification transformation in Shanghai, this year, more than 1,400 factories also identified to carry out VOCs transformation; in addition, tens of thousands of the old cars would be eliminated. Exhaust gas thermal power plant is one of the main sources of NOx and other pollutants, the using of SCR project using tungsten trioxide denitration catalyst to governance, is now widely recognized as the most effective way of NOx removal; at the same time, the elimination of old cars, while vigorously implement the vehicles which installed tail gas treatment unit (such as tungsten trioxide with SCR denitration catalyst), thus, the pressure on the environment will possible to greatly reduced.

I believe if everyone pay attention to the environment protection issues, what smog, water pollution ect., will be nowhere to hide, and sky-high green ticket will no longer appear.

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